Broken | The Passover Meal | The Last Supper
But this time it was different.
It was a Passover meal, a meal that remembers God’s rescue of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt,
but this time Jesus was saying he was the Passover.
Taking bread, he breaks it and gives it to his friends saying,
“This is my body”
Lifting a cup, he passes it to his friends saying,
“This is my blood”
Jesus understood this meal was going to be his last.
He was about to enter his last mile.
But while it was Jesus’ last meal,
his words are like instructions to his friends
to keep sharing this meal in order to remember him
and so it is from then to now,
around the world,
bread is broken and a cup lifted
and Jesus is remembered.
Unwrap this Easter Icon: Read Mark 14:17-25 (The Bible)