Je Suis Peter | The Denial | The Courtyard

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Easter Icons | Je Suis Peter

Je suis Peter.

I am Peter.

We are Peter at the moment where
we are undone by a mistake we have made,
a failure we have committed,
a promise we have not kept.

Peter talked a big game,
but when it comes to the crunch,
he is found wanting.

Peter is the character in the gospels –
the stories of life of Jesus –
that we probably identify with the most:
the highs, the lows,
our lives following Jesus, find their echo in his.

Je suis Peter,
yes, but the astonishing truth of the gospel,
is that, through no merit of our own, 
we can also say,
Je suis pardonné.

I am forgiven.

Unwrap this Easter Icon: Read Mark 14.27-31, 66-72 (The Bible)